Get the Most out of Your Training and Nutrition
Get into the best shape of your life at any age
Weight Training
Build muscle with unique workouts
Burn more calories and body fat
Optimize your diet to get into shape
Boost the Intensity of Your Workouts
Take your training to the nest level with some creative exercises
Don’t just go through the motions, challenge yourself
Enjoy eating sensibly to get the results you’re looking for
Make the most of aerobic workouts to finally see your abs
3 Reasons I Prefer the Incline Bench Press to the Flat Bench
Yeah yeah yeah everybody loves the good ol’ fashioned bench press. Hell, there’ve been articles claiming the superiority of the incline bench around for many
The Advantages of Bosu Ball Training
One piece of gym equipment I’ve recently started using more often is the Bosu ball. You’ve most likely seen them in your gym. They have
3 Great Intensity Boosting Techniques to Train Harder and Smarter
If you’ve been weight training for any amount of time, in all likelihood you’ve used a high-intensity technique. Anything that has you going beyond positive
Taking A Personal Training Course
I recently finished the NASM certified personal training (CPT) course. Since I’ve been training for many years and have at times thought about becoming a
One Arm Pull-Up Attempt
It’s been some time since I’ve been able to do this. Just playin’ around here to see if I could do it. I plan on
3 Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet
Keto is everywhere; it’s the new buzzword, the new favorite among those looking to shed pounds, and the new hate victim of the food-pyramid-spouting-eat-your-whole grains
Get those Abs - even into middle age
Being over 40 is no excuse – you can make it happen with the right lifestyle changes